Pilates Jargon Explained
No matter what style of Pilates you do there will be some terminology that is consistently used across the board. Pilates Jargon Explained.
No matter what style of Pilates you do there will be some terminology that is consistently used across the board. Pilates Jargon Explained.
Breathing for pilates - Breath/Breathing is a core principle of Pilates and is incorporated into every movement and exercise you do.
Today I want to talk to you about your max effort. What do I mean by this? Your max effort is doing something as hard as you possibly can. That could be swimming 100m as fast as you can, lifting the most weight you could possibly lift at least once or even running the furthest you’ve ever run before.
If you haven’t exercised in forever and you need a place to start then this is the blog for you. Here I provide you with a great exercise program you can do from home and in a short amount of time. No equipment needed.