How to: Squat
How to: Squat - Squats are and should be a staple in any exercise program and are key in developing the strength in your legs.
How to: Squat - Squats are and should be a staple in any exercise program and are key in developing the strength in your legs.
There are plenty of reasons (excuses) why we don’t take action but what it usually comes down to is the fear to take the first and necessary steps. Instead we procrastinate, we spend endless hours looking/researching for the best option, waiting for the ideal time until everything is perfect.
Here is a quick breakdown of what a SMART goal is and why they are important to consider when setting your goals.
Here are some quick and easy pointers to help you improve and get the most out of your push-ups. Push-ups are a fantastic full-body exercise that focuses on strengthening your upper body and is classified as a pressing movement.